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new skills for a new age

4THSOLUTION Workshops & coaching

for businesses & leaders



The 4th Industrial Revolution has ushered in change -and challenges- at a pace and scale that are unprecedented.


It is. turbulent characterised by extreme levels of uncertainty, volatility and complexity and has created an equally fundamental change in the skills set individuals, teams and businesses need to not only survive but thrive


However, the gap between the speed, complexity & magnitude of change, and the ability of individuals and organisations to cope in this dynamic and volatile environment continues to widen.


Traditional coping strategies such as working longer, harder and faster simply fail in today's world.




Today's turbulent, fast-changing and uncertain world incessantly triggers our brains' automatic stress responses - the fight/flight/freeze reactions. Whereas in the distant past these instinctive somatic reactions were the safety mechanism that ensured the survival of our primal ancestors, in today's world, they not only fail to keep us safe but

attack our mental & physical health. manifest as anxiety, anger, stress, panic attacks, depression, etc.


they are a deeply self-sabotaging and dramatically outdated software that can wreak havoc with our lives. They undermine our mental clarity, and weaken our ability to find and implement the bold, creative, positive, and inspired visions & solutions we so urgently need.


It is high time for a new mindset and software update!

There has never been a more important time in our personal lives and on a collective and global level for us to be level-headed, critical & creative thinkers as well as positive, fearless, and proactive decision-makers.





  • £42bn to £45bn – the annual cost of poor mental health for UK employers each year

  • £6bn or 16% – the increase in cost of poor mental health since 2017

  • £7bn – the cost of absences due to mental health issues

  • £27bn to £29bn – the cost of presenteeism

  • £9bn – the cost of staff turnover due to mental health issues

  • 9% – those who disclosed a mental health problem who were dismissed, demoted or disciplined

  • one in six workers will experience a mental health problem at any one time

  • stress is now thought to be responsible for almost half of working days lost in Britain due to health issues. 








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​new change capabilities
for mental health, 
resilience, creative thinking & success 

The key to mastering the challenges in today's world lies in

and in making the HEART the compass for our decision-making.




the key
to mastering the challenges in today's world lies in

the mastery of our own mind

One viewer asked about mental health



 not only should companies have the structure and resources in place for employees to get help, but they also need a culture in place that supports asking for help.


Unfortunately, when people find the courage to vocalize their mental struggles, it’s often met with resistance. We have to normalize mental health issues and prioritize wellness. This goes back to building courage and vulnerability. We have to encourage and support the necessary tough conversations.

6. “There is no courage without vulnerability”



The 4th Industrial Revolution has ushered in change -and challenges- at a pace and scale that are unprecedented and created an environment characterised by extreme levels of uncertainty, volatility and complexity. This has created an equally fundamental change in the skills set individuals, teams and businesses need to not only survive but thrive


However, the gap between the speed, complexity & magnitude of change, and the ability of individuals and organisations to cope in this dynamic and volatile environment continues to widen.


Traditional coping strategies such as working longer, harder and faster simply fail in today's world - 



four challenges
  • updating the software of our brains updating the caveman software of our brains is outdated 
  • change capabilities  change resistance, business as usual' - the person with the greatest flexibility has the greatest success, disruptive technologies 
  • filling the gap in education traditional education fails to teach crucial change capabilities
  • in a highly dynamic world, we don't need a rigid map but a compass

intuitionstraining, body scan, emotional intelligence


creating a mental and emotional foundation for peak performance and success 



our body's instinctive fff responses consume precious energy and time which will become available for the development of practical solutions and 






creative thinking

It is my mission to work with and support people, businesses and organisations that make or aim to make the wellbeing of their people the foundation for success 


contribute to and push for a fundamental paradigm shift away from the depletion of human and natural resources


towards a wholesome existence in which human and natural resources are nourished and restored.


I aim to contribute to the unleashing of all our personal powers, talents and ...for the development of solutions to today's existential problems. 


to develop meta-cognition, mind mastery - the ability to increasingly choose the emotional response


and new change capabilities which increase their wellbeing, resilience, creativity and productivity in today's highly dynamic and often stressful work environments.


Individuals and teams learn to anticipate and embrace disruption and look for & discover the potential for innovation in unforeseen circumstances. 


Software Update

Metacognition and mind mastery enable people to recognise, substantially reduce and avoid unconscious, negative, self-sabotaging and productivity-decreasing stress responses


Empathy, enthusiasm 

(such as stress, anxiety, worry, anger, exhaustion, conflict) as well as change-resistant thoughts and habits* - and learn to replace these with new positive and resilience-building competencies and strategies. 


Language Update


(*In the context of change processes these negative responses can amount to a loss of productivity of over 50%). 


Consequently, the mental & emotional energy and the time previously absorbed by negative re-actions become available for the proactive development of positive solutions & creative new ideas.


Individuals & teams are enabled to think, plan & act at the peak of their abilities, beyond the limits of convention, past experiences, conditionings, habits and routines. 




  • protect & nourish wellbeing and success in emotional and mental health and wellbeing,

  • prevent burnout

  • build stress resilience

  • increase the mental clarity, agility, and creativity 

  • creating a supportive work environment in which there is no innovation without vulnerability and failure



software update â€‹
The software of our brains urgently needs an update!.
Our world has changed faster than our brains have been able to adapt.
In today's highly dynamic, complex, uncertain -if not volatile- world
and the shape-shifting nature of our challenges and threats trigger our body's instinctive stress responses -fight/fight/freeze- which were designed to keep our ancestors living in caves safe when under a tiger attack. by our is out of date.
In order to protect our mental & physical health and be able to master the challenges and tap into the potential of the 4TH Industrial Revolution we 
In today's world, the unconscious responses not only fail to protect us but attack our own wellbeing and undermine our ability
In 4th Solution Workshops provide a software update - individuals and teams learn new 21st century skills
protect mental & physical health
meet challenges
tap into 21st century potential


"Unlocking potential - the power that lies behind the mask. "Behind the mask of our professionalism lies the true power. More and more organisations understand that the more their people are invited to be themselves as much as possible, the more their power and full potential is unlocked, and the more liveliness, creativity, learning and energy flow back into the businessIf we wear a mask it also holds back a lot of our energy and creativity. Then we get stuck in conflict, anxieties and corridor talk."


Frederic Laloux


We reach our goals much faster and much more interesting the more we know and trust ourselves.



the 4th Revolution and increasing automation return the focus to what is uniquely human and unique to each human being.









Today's existential challenges set the bar high for our willingness and ability to be positive, powerful and proactive decision-makers. The radical solutions we need cannot be found if we're


I just simply don't think we have time for self-doubt, and the radical solutions we need simply won't be found if we're anxious, stressed or even burying our heads in the sand.


This is why I believe




fact that is exacerbated by our brain's instinctive fight, flight or freeze stress responses which -instead of keeping us safe- attack and deplete our mental, emotional & physical health and thus undermine our ability to perform. 


The combination of the shape-shifting nature of the external environment, as well as change resistance and the lack of adequate new change capabilities, is leading to unprecedented levels of depression, burnout, trauma, and substantially decreased effectiveness and dramatic financial losses - with the annual cost of poor mental health for employers in the UK alone being an estimated £42-45 bn. 


4thSolution Workshops address exactly this gap.



new change capabilities protecting & increasing mental health, resilience, creative thinking & success


ensuring sustained & sustainable peak performance through


  • making motivation, passion & enthusiasm​

  • autonomy

  • creative thinking

  • ​

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2 DEEPlearning 


facilitating profound insights that have an instant and long-lasting positive impact on the participants' professional and personal lives. 

making sure your people & your business do not just survive but thrive in the 4th Industrial revolution

Productivity & efficiency increase 

and targets are reached more easily as improved stress resilience, inner calm and mental agility enable participants to stay solution-focused and creative even in challenging, stressful and highly pressured situations. Greater stress resilience helps to prevent burnout.


4ThSolution competencies ensure that individuals and teams have the mental and emotional capacity to not only cope with but thrive in and drive the change process

Improved empathy, communication and negotiation skills, in turn, inspire a positive team spirit and positive collaboration

across departments.



4thSolution competencies help to create positive & vibrant workplace culture, increasing 

your company's attractiveness and employee retention rate. 4thSolution 

change capabilities help to keep your teams at the forefront of developments and your company ahead of your competitors.



new change capabilities


for peak performance & success that are sustained AND sustainable  


Mental agility & space is created for the clear, critical, creative and innovative thinking, that is needed to not only master today's challenges but also tap into & unfold each individual's and the 4th Revolution's full potential.


away from / towards

new change capabilities-

ENSURING THAT your people and your business do not just survive but THRIVE.


I have to/I want to

objective reality/


the role of fear/indicator for potential

stretch zone/comfort zone/ panic zone


vulnerability/the birthplace of connection, love, creativity, authenticity & innovation


explain how this triggers a part of the brain that stops us from thinking clearly

Increased wellbeing, performance & productivity - without any increase in your time or energy investment. 


learning goes deeper when it is enjoyable,

all 4THSolution Workshops are inspiring, engaging and fun.

Our innovative & 

interactive workshops are designed to evoke light-bulb moments that enable participants to instantly experience positive effects.

Coaching for Individual Team Members / Leaders

In addition to 4thSolution Workshops, I offer intensive Wingwave/Deep Coaching sessions for leaders and individual team members. Oiling the deeper workings of your business Wingwave Coaching reduces these productivity-inhibiting emotions by pinpointing and removing specific psychological/emotional stressors that may block or disturb a person and restores their mental and emotional balance by anchoring positive resources in the unconscious mind, reducing stress, anxiety, anger and similar emotions increase wellbeing and effectiveness of individuals and can hold back their personal and your company's potential and success. Peak performance Wingwave® Coaching helps to address and prevent burnout and makes peak performance, high productivity and success not only achievable but sustainable.  


Key competencies & strategies for an agile, resilient and creative 

mindset - increasing the wellbeing success

of individuals & teams

It is a paradox -and exciting- 'side effect' of the 4th Industrial Revolution that it increases the demand for our uniquely human abilities and powers: empathy, value-based decision-making, creativity and autonomous, critical & visionary thinking.


4TH Solution Coaching & Workshops build & nourish these skills.

It is a paradox -and exciting- 'side effect' of the 4th Industrial Revolution that it increases the demand for our uniquely human abilities and powers: empathy, value-based decision-making, creativity and autonomous, critical & visionary thinking.


4TH Solution Coaching & Workshops build & nourish these skills.

FOR a fundamental paradigm shift away from the depletion of human and natural resources

  • mastering their own creative consciousness.

  • mastering the 'inner game

  • developing daily self-care and self-generative practices.

  • Belief Barriers and Belief Bridges.

  • Transforming Blocked States.

  • Ego and Soul

  • "What I most want to create in life is ... "

  • higher intention

  • how do you develop a creative state

  • take action

  • transforming negative states/beliefs into positive resources

  • receiving the energy of a problem and engaging creatively with it to transform it into resources

  • keep your creative practice going

  • daily self-development practices 

  • develop tools to maintain resources

  • exterior & interior work/the inner game

  • journey of awakening sth at the core of each person's being is looking to awakening of each person's creative journey

  • what brings you the greatest excitement if not connected to that we do damage to ourselves and everybody else

  • ​


  • "Unlocking potential - the power that lies behind the mask. "Behind the mask of our professionalism lies the true power. More and more organisations understand that the more their people are invited to be themselves as much as possible, the more their power and full potential is unlocked, and the more liveliness, creativity, learning and energy flow back into the businessIf we wear a mask it also holds back a lot of our energy and creativity. Then we get stuck in conflict, anxieties and corridor talk."


Frederic Laloux


We reach our goals much faster and much more interesting the more we know and trust ourselves.



the 4th Revolution and increasing automation return the focus to what is uniquely human and unique to each human being.





The wellbeing of people is the foundation for sustained and sustainable success. 

An investment in 4THSolution Workshops & Coaching pays off.

The wellbeing of people is the foundation for sustained and sustainable success. 

An investment in 4THSolution Workshops & Coaching pays off.

copyright ©2025 all rights reserved milenabarton the fourth solution

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