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It is my passion, mission, talent, and joy to enable you to become the most fearless, unapologetic, wild, authentic, passionate, creative, joy-, success- & impactful version of YOU. 


Our world is on fire. I work with purpose-driven leaders, change makers & entrepreneurs who are ready and hungry for rapid exponential inner and outer transformation & healing.


80% of your success, well-being, and ability to make a greater impact depend on internal processes. Working with me you become PEACE- AND JOYFUL within for no external reason (pause here & read this again please :-) and thus HIGHLY RESILIENT and much more SUCCESS- AND IMPACTFUL without. 


Using cutting-edge and trauma-informed coaching modalities that literally rewire your brain I facilitate shifts on the deepest unconscious level that are often experienced as profoundly liberating and life-changing that rekindle your zest for life and unlock your dormant strengths, qualities & full agency.


Find -and hone in on- your WHY/your life's greater purpose & mission. Stop dithering, hoping, and postponing - life is so short and our challenges are urgent! Get very still, clear and calm within and thus unstuck and into action and flow fast. Crystalise your creative ideas, think bigger, take bold steps, and actually DO the damn thing! Write that book! Give that talk! Accelerate everything you are developing and creating without working more or harder. Learn how to make sustained high-performance sustainable - with ease & while being at peace.


'What is it that makes your heart beat faster? 'What is your highest vision? For yourself? For this world? For women? Your industry? What sets you ablaze, what makes you feel most alive?'


By connecting deeply with & linking what ignites your heart with what this world now urgently needs, you create a purpose-driven joy- & love-filled -and much more impactful- life that lights you up without burning out.


​​Forget safety! Live where you fear to live. Stop being scared of failure, the future, or the next level of impact and success. Become visible! Let the tap overflow - daily, and really live your passion - fully. Be at peace with yourself and be totally, authentically, unapologetically: YOU. â€‹

​No. More. Holding. Back.​


Too many people live a life full of regrets.

My clients don't!


I am an out-of-the-box coach for out-of-the-box people, ideas, and solutions.





executives | (thought) leaders | high performers | systems thinkers | coaches | ...

people with a bias toward radical thinking, action, purpose, and impact,

who are 'thirsty for the sea' and 'mad enough to think that they can change the world'




for radical & regenerative development, reinvention & growth





You are on a mission -and feel an urgency- to make a much greater positive impact on this world.

Words such as 'radical systems change' and 'fundamental paradigm shifts' excite you and light you up.


Deep down you know that you are not yet living up to your full potential, and that you can/that you could and want to experience and achieve so much more, and that you have so much more to give.


'Too many people die with their song still inside them.'

You know that you do have a song to sing; you now long to sing it fully, clearlyfearlessly, unapologetically, and joyfully!


You are done with extractive if not toxic corporate/capitalist/white supremacist/colonial/neoliberalist ways of being and working.

You are ready to cut the bullshit! You want to find/create a role that is radically regenerative for yourself and for this world; the uncertainty of this transition might feel messy and scary. ​


You might already be addressing some of the world's toughest problems.

Looking them in the eye daily, you may feel overwhelmed by the scale of the challenges and struggle with eco-anxiety, stress, insomnia, self-doubt, and perhaps even burnout.

​Perhaps you are a successful high achiever and powerful leader but deep inside feel like an impostor.

You may have everything on the outside but feel lost, stuck, and lonely on the inside.

You long to be at peace and at ease with yourself and others but your life, work/business, and relationships feel overwhelming, stressful, empty, joyless, and tough. You feel stuck and unable to make progress with your dreams and ideas. 


Perhaps you are hitting rock bottom, struggling with painful/traumatic memories that impact your life, work, and relationships, and hold you back from experiencing the happiness and/or creating the success and impact you desire.


If some or all of the above resonates then I would love to have a conversation with you.

Whatever your background, challenge, or goal - one thing I require from you is this:​

On a 0-10 'commitment scale', you need to be at least at 8.3! :-)

I only work with people who are ready to go all in.






​Deep Coaching isn't about the quick fix of an isolated topic or identifying SMART goals. 


​Instead, we go into the deeper levels of your thinking, beliefs, conditionings, habits, emotions, and unconscious mind.


There we initiate profound positive change that is liberating and long-lasting and rekindle the spark in your heart that will light up & transform all aspects of your life.  







My coaching is high touch. I only work with a small number of people at a time. 


If you are reading this, then it is most likely that someone has sent you my way. 


Most of my clients are referred to me; others are change-makers who inspire me and whom I thus invite into a coaching conversation. 



Bring everything. Come as you are.

ALL of you is welcome - every topic, every emotion. Nothing is taboo.




 Interested? Curious? Ready? Great! Let's meet! 

Schedule a Zoom call to meet, explore, and ask any questions you may have. I'll put the kettle on! :-) 

If it feels like it could potentially be a good fit, and depending on availability, I may invite you into a 2-hour complimentary coaching deep dive. This will allow us to find out whether it is a mutual and wholehearted HELL YES!




or send an email to



Join me on a life-changing 1:1 Coaching Intensive walking the Camino de Santiago in May or September 2025. 40 days. 800km.








Cutting-edge Mind Mastery Skills for Mental Health, Resilience & Success in a volatile world. 





Stop dwelling on an imaginary past & (scary) future & become fully present right here, right now. Stop and update  negative thought patterns & limiting self-beliefs. Let go of the pain of difficult/traumatic memories. 
Reconnect with your inner compass and a clear sense of direction and purpose.

Experience you at your purest - discover a place of inner peace, wholeness, joy, and power 'beneath' your thinking that does not depend on -and does not get disturbed by- other people & events & material things in the external world and that does not get disturbed by your own thoughts.


You thus stop 'leaking' energy & time in negative emotions and become much more joy- & powerful and thus HIGHLY RESILIENT.

As a result, everything you are doing and developing accelerates exponentially.


Learn to ignore/silence the voice of your (harsh) inner critic; learn to have your own back at all times. Learn to witness the ongoing ups and downs/the 'drama' of life and meet them/it playfully. Release stifling perfectionism and move from stuckness to flow. Reconnect with an acute sense of aliveness.

Un-shame yourself by bringing infinite curiosity to challenging emotions & situations. 
Shift from struggling with painful 
loneliness to experiencing the richness of your solitude that allows you to cultivate crystal clear thoughts & to tune into & develop the seeds of your unique creative ideas.​

Learn to love and embrace yourself - your story, your body & your one-in-a-8-billion unique YOU-ness.

how up fearlessly and 
unapologetically & da
re to bring your whole Self to every table. Dare to be seen.

Find an element of fun in
everything you do and reconnect with your spontaneity & joy. 


Your growing self-love informs how you show up in all of your relationships. Stop emotionally outsourcing your confidence, happiness, & sense of safety/stop depending on external validation.

Learn to set boundaries, communicate better, connect and love more deeply & find balance in the way you give and receive. Say what you think and want. ASK for what you want! 

Experience a new sense of ease even in your most challenging relationships. Finally get over your ex. Others can no longer press your buttons! Stop waiting for apologies, let go of the 'what ifs' & 'should /could haves'.

Dare to be open again to love.

As a parent, your
 self-possession enables you to hold a safe, calm & emotionally secure space for your children.


Expand by doing what scares you. Embrace failure & love discomfort & thus go further than you ever thought possible. Fuel your work with your passion & purpose. M
ove at your pace. Joy is your compass; if it's not there, then something is off!

Stop being the best kept secret - become visible! Stop being scared of failure, the future or the next level of impact & success. Update  negative & outdated beliefs around money & worth.

Skip doubt & worry and stop intending, dithering & postponing. Write that book! Give that talk! Post on socials! Pitch to clients that inspire and scare you and perform at the peak of your ability. Think BIG and take bold steps.

Excel in competitive situations. Learn to pivot fast when required; change your career/start a new enterprise at any age.

If the role that you want does not yet exist, create it.


Liberate yourself and others from outdated stifling & extractive/toxic /corporate/neoliberalist/
capitalist habits and conditionings that stifle y/our authenticity, aliveness, and agency.

Live where you fear to live. Embrace & love uncertainty & not-knowing; create & act decisively and courageously without a perfect strategy or long-term plan. And No - you don't have to be an expert to start leading.

Develop and lead with radical paradigm shifting questions & thoughts beyond the status quo - if you can already think it, it is not new. Get fired up by the impossible; stay joyful & resilient by LEADING FROM THE FUTURE and by embodying the energy of the outcome you are aiming to create. Lead with love.

Make sustaine
d peak performance sustainable by connecting the things that make your heart beat faster with what this world now so urgently needs. 

Become a magnetic (thought-)leader, inspire others to unite around your meaningful goals and expand your -and their- circle of influence.

Working with me you 



burnout, stress, anxiety, anger, panic attacks, shame, painful/intrusive/traumatic memories, self-limiting/self-sabotaging beliefs, fear of public speaking, over-worrying, fear of success, climate-/eco-anxiety, performance/social media anxiety, somatic pain, and similar. 



I enable you to connect with a sense of deep inner peace, freedom, joy, and agency


and seize any crisis as an opportunity for reinvention and growth.


Laughing Friends
Anchor 1








"You will be imprisoned in a room with a door that is unlocked and opens inwards as long it does not occur to you to pull rather than push."  

I enable you to have shifts in consciousness and significant insights that will uncover blind spots in your vision, expand your map of the world, discover your ability to proactively create new 'doors' - options, opportunities, and pathways that lie beyond your current thinking, and develop and crystallise creative, 
novel, and radical ideas fearlessly. 

And from there drop deeper:

to a place of peace, joy, and power beneath your thinking where you can access timeless wisdom and find answers to your questions within yourself. 

Deep/Wingwave/EMDR Coaching (bilateral brain hemisphere stimulation through simple eye movements for example) disrupts and literally rewires neural pathways in the brain that are associated with negative habituated thought patterns, beliefs & emotions. In combination with Integrative Hypnosis stuck emotions & challenging memories are reprocessed, the associated tension in the body released, and new positive mental & emotional resources are anchored in instead. Positive changes made to one topic i.e. neural network become generative - requiring the entire brain to update & thus ripple out to other topics and areas in your brain and life.

Very much like an internal software update, this positive reprogramming of the unconscious mind establishes an optimal state of inner peace, clarity, & strength; it is long-lasting and often experienced as profoundly liberating and life-changing..

I teach cutting-edge Mind Mastery Life Skills and tools that enable you to literally rewire your own brain & stop negative beliefs, emotions, habits, and cravings in their tracks, thus substantially reducing the amount of time and energy you 'leak' in negative emotional states, whilst increasing your agency, emotional freedom, and choice in any situation. Working with me you learn meta-cognition -the ability to think about, question, and take full responsibility for/take charge of the roughly 10.000 thoughts that your brain churns out each day.
YOU are NOT your brain!

Mind Mastery skills build your stress resilience, protect your mental & emotional health, and enable you to be level-headed, powerful & creative especially when the external world is stressful, fast-changing & uncertain.





"Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to change the world so that they can be happy. This hasn’t ever worked, because it approaches the problem backward. [Whereas we can] change the projector (mind) rather than the projected. It’s like when there’s a piece of lint on a projector’s lens. We think there’s a flaw on the screen, and we try to change this person and that person, whomever the flaw appears on next. But it’s futile to try to change the projected images.

Once we realize where the lint is, we can clear the lens itself.

This is the end of suffering, and the beginning of a little joy in paradise.”

― Byron Katie







According to research only 20% (!) of individuals and teams reach their full potential. And thousands of people die every year 'with their song still inside them'.


With our world on fire, tapping into the dormant 80%, fearlessly and joyfully, and utilising our individual talents & passions fully is key to accelerating the change and paradigm shifts we now need.


Your unique 'song' is your superpower. Do you know what your song is? Are you singing it? What is your dream? Where is your edge? What would you like to lean into, break through, go beyond, and create?


We do know deep down whether we are fully 'singing our song' or not. Living a life that is not in alignment with your deeper desires, dreams, and ideas in your heart can breed regret, cause a sense of a life unlived, and do damage to yourself and others.


Yet the very thing we want and long for can feel scary. In fact, fear is often a very accurate compass for -and expression of- your true desire; your fear can point to where your greatest passion and thus your greatest potential lies. "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." - S.Kierkegaard


Working with me you find & remember your song and (learn to) sing it. Lean into your fears and become a courageous edge-walker by fully embracing the thrill and beauty of uncertainty, expansion, and ongoing (self-)discovery. 


This enables you to 'play a much bigger game', reach exceptional goals, make a much greater positive impact on the world, and thus create a fulfilled and meaningful life you love.






"Milena altered my life trajectory. I am NOT exaggerating. She is the most incredible coach you could ever work with.

I had a traumatic story that had really limited me in my life and its full impact was hidden even from me. I couldn't speak and my throat would just close up. After only two sessions with Milena, I went from not being able to speak/from literally having a grip on my throat to

giving two talks at MIT, having another talk planned at Oxford University, and I have also just become the host of a live TV show!

I can say categorically that without Milena's help, I would not be doing what I am doing now.

I absolutely and unreservedly recommend working with Milena."


-Michaela Gaffen Stone, Human Design Specialist, Speaker, TV Show Host




"My life has completely changed since I started working with Milena, and now I’m doing what I feel I should have always been doing my whole life, which is my art. I’ve never felt more happy, and more ‘me’ - plus, I’ve got the courage to keep pushing myself forward and taking on new challenges - I’m getting commissions and selling my work! This is the stuff of dreams.

My life is like a dream now, and I never want this feeling to end.

Thank you so much, Milena."


- Bronwen Winter Phoenix, Artist, Author, Illustrator




“I have done a lot of therapy but being coached by Milena has been the most transformational support I have ever received in my life.

It has been unbelievably helpful. A block around my heart has shifted. My fixation on the past has stopped.

My brain is quiet now; the endless chatter, the what-ifs, and the worry have stopped.

Things and noises that used to trigger traumatic memories suddenly no longer bother me.

When I get frustrated, I now have tools that help me to dissociate from those things and get quiet instantly. I gained clarity and got hugely valuable insights into some of my most challenging relationships. Also, so far in my life, my creativity had always been side-lined. I was always focused on getting the best jobs. I’ve now started to make space and time for myself and for self-care. I’ve started exercising and dancing more and expressing myself. I am now really exploring my creativity – what it means to me. This feels so exciting, like an opening of new doors and I can’t wait to see where this will take me!”


- Harini Nallapothola




"I just had the most incredible, mind-blowing, and spiritual coaching session with the genius Milena Barton.

Wherever you are in the world - if you want to change anything in your life, I cannot recommend working with Milena highly enough.

It truly is like magic."


Dr. Sara Ababneh, Lecturer in International Relations & Politics, University of Sheffield




"I have seen a hell of a lot of coaches in my life and I have never experienced coaching like this before with such immediate impact. Working with Milena is truly profound. I could actually feel my brain shifting - as if my brain structure was being rearranged physically as if blocks were being reshuffled in my head to let in shafts of light:

I glimpsed emotional freedom.


Now there are these new openings, new spaces that are calming, curious and hopeful.

I touched the quiet center at my core - like the inside of the eye of a storm that is always calm and clear, that remains and sustains despite the storms.

I tapped into that and now live from there. I have since felt such self-possession that I had been craving for a long time and an enjoyment of being in my brain and myself in a way that I have never felt before. My need to reach out or look for reassurance from others has stopped. I now have a sense of non-neediness and feel compelled to follow my attention and focus on what I am doing without self-judgment.

I am now standing in my Self.


This has changed how I now relate to other people. A challenging relationship that used to be tense and aggravating seamlessly segued into one collaborative and caring. I now ‘keep my side of the street clean’ and recognise nonsense very quickly and set boundaries. When things aggravate me, I know that this is not the story that I want to continue and I am able to pivot. This has had a more profound effect on me than I even realised at first.

I used to diminish myself for not being grown up. I now feel like a woman. There had always been a part of me that felt unsure or dismissive of myself and the things I do. Milena reflected my life back to me and I realised that my life is very beautiful and rich I am actually at a very exciting point in my life - I did not know this before! There are so many things that I want to create, implement, share, and show, and so many connections are coming together.


​I am blown away. I inherently adore and trust Milena so much. I am captivated by and have an awe-ed trust of what we did and I am greedy for more! To anybody thinking about working with Milena, I want to say, ‘You have no idea what a profound impact this will have. Absolutely! DO IT! But don’t cut into my time with her!! :-)'


- Eliza Shaw Valk, Landscape Architect, Artist & Coach 




"This first session with Milena was so amazingly powerful - it was almost freaky! It unlocked something powerful in me.

And something magical happened right after the session - I got a call for an interview, and an hour after that another company called for an interview!

It felt like ‘OMG this is magic!‘ And immediately after the session, my husband was different! And my kids were fighting less and everything felt more smooth.

The day after the session was so magical that it felt unreal.

My husband said the sweetest thing to me in so many years and I finally saw the person I fell in love with.


It was as if the person I was the day before the session was someone else.

Milena brought back parts of me that I thought I had lost forever.

I now feel so much lighter and at peace and so much more confident.

I am forever grateful to Milena!"


- Bushra Mukbil, Policy Advisor/Conflict Resolution and Development Economics,

former Head of the Local Aid Coordination Secretariat (LACS) and Senior Advisor to the Palestinian Minister of Justice




"My life has completely transformed since I started working with Milena. 

I am a successful entrepreneur who travels the world and has built the life I had always dreamed of. But inside I was deeply troubled.

As a survivor of multiple traumatic events in my life, I thought that traditional therapy was always to be a part of my life and that the pain that I suffered with, would take a lifetime to fully repair, if ever. My 8 months with Milena doing Deep/EMDR coaching has proven that this is a much more deeply effective and efficient way than traditional therapy. I was a skeptic going in but was desperate for transition. Now, I am educated on how the brain works and I have tools to disrupt the [negative] habitual stories my subconscious mind has created that I can tap into at any time, anywhere, while I am healing.

As a result of this healing, I have lost 55 lbs.

My soul is coming to life again.


I am a better human and I feel like my younger self again, but smarter, happier, and so equipped to handle life.

I am managing through the toughest of situations and am learning to accept life as it is. There are not enough words.

I cannot emphasize enough how Deep/EMDR coaching with Milena who is so damned talented at her work,

is the pathway to true inner freedom."


- Tina Daroff Hamilton, CEO at My HR Partner





"When thinking about how to pass on the word about Milena Barton and

how to mark the end of my extraordinary time working with her

this quote from Lord of the Rings came to mind: "A deep loneliness and sense of loss was on them. They stood silent, reluctant to make the final parting

and only slowly became aware that Tom was wishing them farewell and telling them to have good heart and to ride on till dark without halting." I have this quote in a notebook from my teens. Something about that peaceful stop off the Hobbits make in Tom Bombadil's woodland paradise resonated very deeply with me.

The time the hobbits spend at Tom Bombadil's house sets them up for their journey

because he is the only character who is completely immune to the [corrupting] ring. Tom cares nothing for power or the games of the external world.


Milena is Tom Bombadil for high achieving executives, climate anxiety sufferers, GAD, CPTSD, PTSD, neurodiverse and neurotypical people

who don't want talk therapy and need direct instruction on their nervous systems to break through.

I was specifically looking for EMDR but what Milena offers is so much more than one technique.

As my kids would say, [...] the only thing we need to get over is ourselves. In my experience,

it can be one thing to know this and a completely different thing to feel it.

We need guidance to get there.

Milena is that guide."

- Hattie Moll, CMO specialised in working with high net worth individuals; Marketing for Good.





"As I am working with my own coach, the amazing Milena Barton, I am feeling a lot of inner shifts and shedding.

I just had an amazing session with her and I can feel all these layers shedding ready to be composted down.

She is unlocking a lot of keys for me right now; it is terrifying in a way but also really blissful. How powerful it is to have somebody work with you and help you along that journey! The growth takes on an exponential speed. It's really something else."


- Elodie Mantha, Integrative Change Worker/Coach




"I’ve had lots of coaches over the last 6 years and I haven’t ever had an experience like this before.

This has been the most powerful coaching that I have ever had in my life. I don’t have higher praise than that. 

There’s something about the way Milena works that is really different.


I often feel like I show up with only one version and aspect of myself. I felt like Milena understood me in a WHOLE sense - my whole self and my whole life experience and story were captured. Milena enabled me to reconnect with a part of myself that I hadn’t felt connected to for a long time. I now realise how this very part -that I had pushed aside- is my superpower. It’s become a really strong resource.

This has really stayed with me and is giving me new energy for what I am doing.

I am now feeling so good about an upcoming public speaking event that I had felt stuck and paralysed about. I now feel that I can do this; this is what I am here for. But also generally in my coaching business and within who I am as a person.


During a very intense and profound visualisation [using bilateral stimulation/EMDR] Milena asked me to put my attention on

pain that I’ve had for years and that felt like a shard of glass in my back - and it disappeared! 

I am blown away by the fact that for a whole week after the session, the pain was gone. It did come back after a week but I now realise that the pain is connected to my thoughts and feelings. I am excited by the idea that I can now also address my physical symptoms as well with coaching.


I felt that Milena was so accepting of me; I felt that she really believes in me and my potential.

I loved the scale of where Milena was able to take me in terms of my vision for myself and what I want. It feels very powerful AND sustainable. 

I’ve had euphoric and intense coaching sessions before that felt fantastic in the moment but then always struggled to hold on to these feelings afterward.

Working with Milena is different. This wasn’t just euphoric - something shifted in me. It is something that I can really hold on to, build from, and something that really STAYS with me which is why I feel that working with Milena is such a great investment."


- Alisa Murphy, Climate Tech founder/former CEO at Lifesize Media, Speaker, Coach






"When I reached out to Milena, I was experiencing high levels of financial stress and also eco-anxiety,

triggered by a summer of unprecedented levels of forest fires in my region.

I felt frozen with fear.


I was just 6 months into my new career as a coach and struggled to attract new clients. I didn’t believe that Milena could “fix” my issues also didn’t really believe that spending that kind of money on coaching was worth it. I am happy to say I was proven COMPLETELY wrong on both counts! 

This investment was worth every penny, and more. I grew more in my 6 months of coaching with Milena than I did in over 15 years of therapy. 


Milena helped me unfreeze parts of myself that had been stuck since childhood, far below my level of awareness,

and helped me to get over some major insecurities and feelings of guilt and shame.

I stopped leaking so much energy in the endless loops of trying to find new flaws and to "fix" myself.


I learned that I am great the way I am – and now KNOW that this is true. I can trust myself now.

It's a beautiful feeling - like resting in motion, and trusting that the things I seek are also seeking me. I’m so much more joyful!

I now appreciate myself and my way of doing things. It is now much easier to be assertive, comfortable in my own sense of expertise and authority, in my business, my relationships and my parenting.  


Once I let go of the old wounds and patterns, the universe seemed to respond by flooding me with opportunities. 

Everything in my life is now coming together much more easily than before. The biggest shifts have been in my business. 

I'm still shocked at how I went from zero/being a new coach, struggling to get any paying clients, to being fully booked!


I am now living the dream!


As a new coach, working with Milena and observing her work on me was amazing. 

It was a masterclass in coaching that has expanded my repertoire of coaching skills.  

What I loved most about having Milena as a coach is her very unique way of bringing a combination of tenderness, lightness, and fierceness into her sessions. She gives so generously of herself both during, and in between sessions. As a coach, she is perceptive, intelligent, sharp, energetic, and driven. You get a sense that she has a vision for you as her client, and she's not afraid to challenge you towards it. And yet, she's so highly skilled in her craft that I never got a sense of her grasping towards a specific outcome. 


Milena emanates trust in her own work and in her clients, and that trust becomes contagious.

  She naturally and easily holds a sacred space for her clients,

trusting them and their unconscious mind to reveal what needs to be worked on and healed.

And when she starts guiding you through her incredible EMDR journeys, she's so incredibly skilled that she makes it feel like magic!


Milena is like a guiding star, shining light on where you're getting tripped up and insisting that there's another way - even when you don't quite believe it. But then, she leads you to the place inside you where you come to that understanding for yourself.


Some of our coaching sessions were pragmatic and down-to-earth.

Others were powerful spiritual experiences that changed me at a cellular level and will stay with me for the rest of my life.


I've often ended sessions with a feeling of "What the heck just happened?".

It's like I'd emerge, feeling a little shaken but also brand-new in the world, filled with light and lightness - a glorious feeling.


Thank you Milena for always making me feel both safe and challenged. You helped me feel a solidity in myself that was never there before.

I'll always be grateful to myself for deciding to work with you, to you for making it so worth it, and to life for bringing us together!"



- E.M.







Learning makes us happy & drives productivity. Research shows that employees who spend time at work learning are 47% less likely to be stressed, 39% more likely to feel productive and successful, 23% more ready to take on additional responsibilities, and 21% more likely to feel confident and happy.


Josh Bersin, Linkedin, November 2018


IBM’s 'Making Change Work' study shows that change masters succeed 80% of the time, compared to change novices who only succeed 18% of the time.

"Too many organizations crashed from the top of their industries because of their inability to both recognize and manage fundamental change."

GET IN touch

What would YOU like to change, heal, liberate yourself from, create, and manifest?

Let's do it. Life is so short. You can choose to live it fully.




or send an email to




I look forward to the adventure of taking you and your ideas to where you and they really want to be.







copyright ©2025 all rights reserved milenabarton the fourth solution

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