business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
business & life coach
heart-powered mind mastery​ transformational life-/wingwave coaching & workshops
heart-powered mind mastery​ transformational life-/wingwave coaching & workshops
about me
about me
about me

The Way Out Is In
Rapid Transformational Deep/EMDR Coaching, Camino De Santiago Soul Journeys & Thrival Skills Workshops For Resilience, Joy, Impact & Success, Accelerating Systems-Change From The Inside-Out
Learning makes us happy & drives productivity. Research shows that employees who spend time at work learning are 47% less likely to be stressed, 39% more likely to feel productive and successful, 23% more ready to take on additional responsibilities, and 21% more likely to feel confident and happy.
Josh Bersin, Linkedin, November 2018
IBM’s 'Making Change Work' study shows that change masters succeed 80% of the time, compared to change novices who only succeed 18% of the time.
"Too many organizations crashed from the top of their industries because of their inability to both recognize and manage fundamental change."

new skills for a new age

heart-powered mind mastery - transformational coaching & workshops for individuals & teams for mental health, emotional balance and increased resilience, mental agility, creativity & success in today's increasingly stressful, uncertain & fast-changing world
4THSolution Workshops for Corporations
4THSolution Workshops are specifically designed for businesses that want to make the mental health & wellbeing of their people the foundation for success that is not only sustained but also sustainable. In 4THSolution Workshops, individuals and teams learn new mind mastery skills and change capabilities which nourish, restore and protect their emotional and mental wellbeing, prevent burnout and increase their mental agility, resilience, creativity & productivity in today's highly dynamic, increasingly automated, fast-paced and stressful world of work.
4THSolution workshops are offered UK wide. Personal peak performance / Wingwave coaching for individual team members or leaders is also available.
Life / Wingwave Coaching for Individuals
Profoundly liberating and transformative, Wingwave/Life Coaching enables individuals to make bold and positive life changes, overcome a wide range of challenging/self-sabotaging emotions -anxiety, stress, anger, worry, mental blocks, negative self-limiting beliefs, painful memories and similar scenarios. It establishes inner calm, reinstates hope, sets free mental clarity & energy, un(b)locks your passion, inspiration and dormant potential and enables you to perform at the peak of your ability and identify & reach your personal & professional goals.
Online coaching via Skype (or similar) and one-to-one sessions in Edinburgh. Coaching in German or English.
There has never been a more important time in our personal lives and on a collective/global level for us to be level-headed, emotionally balanced, positive, powerful & proactive thinkers and decision-makers.
The bold and inspired vision and solutions we so urgently need in our personal lives and on a global level simply cannot be found when we are consumed by difficult emotions - stress, anxiety, anger, when we're reactive, negative or even burying our heads in the sand. It is high time to recognise that these are outdated automatic reactions triggered by our unconscious brains.
The fight/flight/freeze responses were designed to keep our distant ancestors living in caves save in case of an animal attack; however in today's world these reactions -if triggered over longer periods of time- make us ill and threaten our success if not survival. Deeply self-sabotaging, they take us further away from solutions to our problems. It is high time for a software update! This is what I offer in my workshops
The greater the challenges in our external lives, the clearer & calmer and the more creative, positive, visionary and focussed we actually not only need to but CAN be on the inside.
In my deep coaching sessions working with me you will
stretch and reach far beyond what you believe and imagine to be possible
discover and unfold potential you did not know you had
discover and reach goals that are beyond & outside of your current conscious imagination
address life from a place of inner calm
more powerful person.
overcome inner stress & hurdles and gain greater self-knowledge, resilience and creative power.
​I can enable you to move from being overwhelmed and stressed to being calm and in your power,
from not seeing the way forward to connecting to an inspiring & meaningful goal and creating a concrete path towards it.
From feeling anxious and small to becoming a bold decision-maker,
from feeling stuck to developing and unfolding your full dormant potential.
From feeling empty inside -despite being a high achiever- to rekindling your passion and discovering a renewed sense of purpose and direction.
From fearing that there is no way out to developing a new vision that may even become so powerful that it inspires others to unite around your positive goal.
Working with me will give you life-changing insightsYour higher intention
I work with people who (want to learn to) lean into the fear that comes from not setting an upper limit for their goals, power and potential / who (want to learn to) show up every day to the limitlessness of their own potential.
Today's unprecedented levels of uncertainty, constant fast-paced change and existential problems set the bar high for our willingness and ability to create a better future for ourselves and for future generations.
It is my passion, mission and joy to work with people who want deep personal transformation, growth & expansion and who -in one way or another- initiate positive change in this world. I look forward to working with you.
Together we will achieve a maximum positive impact.
Milena Barton
If you would like to experience how Life/Wingwave Coaching can help you transform your life then do get in touch. I offer an intensive 2-hour session free of charge.

It is my mission, talent and joy to enable you to find and realise yours.
I enable people to live authentic, powerful and meaningful lives -liberated from self-sabotaging anxieties, worries, self-beliefs, painful memories- in touch with their higher intention and purpose.
Working with me you learn to fully lean into the limitlessness of your true potential & manifest your extraordinary ideas, vision & goals.
It is my mission and passion to work with -and amplify the power and impact of- people and companies that contribute to solutions to today’s existential problems.
The key to mastering the challenges in today's world lies in
and in making the HEART the compass for our decision-making.
Wingwave / Life Coaching for Individuals -
Heart Powered Mind Mastery
"We need a paradigm shift- away from teh depeletion of human and natural resources towards
In a rapidly changing, disrupted & disruptive world BY DEFINITION,
J. Silva
Overcome difficulties & transform anxieties and mental/emotional blockages into positive & creative decision-making power.

Removing internal stressors, restoring your Mental Balance & Wellbeing, creating a Foundation for Peak Performance & Success
Discover, tap into & unfold your dormant potential.

Wingwave® is an internationally recognised breakthrough technique. It has been scientifically tested and approved by the University of Hamburg, the Hannover Medical School and German Sport University Cologne. I am a certified Wingwave coach and member of the Wingwave Quality Circle of the Besser-Siegmund-Institute Ltd. in Hamburg, Germany.
Wingwave is certified as a Continuing Coach Education by the ICF/International Coaching Federation, considered the gold standard in coaching. It has been used for over fifteen years in businesses, high-performance sports, education, creative professions etc., enabling individuals to perform at their optimum ability and reach their personal & professional goals.
It is a paradox -and exciting- 'side effect' of the 4th Industrial Revolution that it increases the demand for our uniquely human abilities and powers: empathy, value-based decision-making, creativity and autonomous, critical & visionary thinking.
4TH Solution Coaching & Workshops build & nourish these skills.
Traditional education does not equip people with the skills that are crucial for wellbeing & success in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
It is high time for a new education focussed on heart-driven & resilience-building mind mastery skills and on the autonomy, self-determination & creativity of individuals.
"Creativity is the new capital."
Joseph Beuys

Key competencies & strategies for an agile, resilient and creative
mindset - increasing the wellbeing & success
of individuals & teams

4THSolution Workshops for Corporations
In 4thSolution workshops, individuals & teams learn to develop meta-cognition, mind mastery and new change capabilities which increase their wellbeing, resilience, creativity and productivity in today's highly dynamic and often stressful work environments.
Individuals and teams learn to anticipate and embrace disruption and look for & discover the potential for innovation in unforeseen circumstances. Metacognition and mind mastery enable people to recognise, substantially reduce and avoid unconscious, negative, self-sabotaging and productivity-decreasing responses (such as stress, anxiety, worry, anger, exhaustion, conflict) as well as change-resistant thoughts and habits* - and learn to replace these with new positive and resilience-building competencies and strategies.
(*In the context of change processes these negative responses can amount to a loss of productivity of over 50%).
Consequently, the mental & emotional energy and the time previously absorbed by negative re-actions become available for the proactive development of positive solutions & creative new ideas.
Individuals & teams are enabled to think, plan & act at the peak of their abilities, beyond the limits of convention, past experiences, conditionings, habits and routines.
Mental agility & space is created for the clear, critical, creative and innovative thinking, that is needed to not only master today's challenges but also tap into & unfold each individual's and the 4th Revolution's full potential.
Increased wellbeing, performance & productivity - without any increase in your time or energy investment.
Productivity & efficiency increase
and targets are reached more easily as improved stress resilience, inner calm and mental agility enable participants to stay solution-focused and creative even in challenging, stressful and highly pressured situations. Greater stress resilience helps to prevent burnout.

4ThSolution competencies ensure that your workforce has the mental and emotional capacity to not only cope with but thrive in and drive the change process.
Improved empathy, communication and negotiation skills in turn inspire a positive team spirit and positive collaboration
across departments.

4thSolution competencies help to create a positive & vibrant workplace culture, increasing
your company's attractiveness and employee retention rate. 4thSolution
change capabilities help to keep your teams at the forefront of developments and your company ahead of your competitors.

Our innovative &
interactive workshops are designed to evoke light-bulb moments that enable participants to instantly experience positive effects.
learning goes deeper when it is enjoyable,
all 4THSolution Workshops are inspiring, engaging and fun.
4th Solution Workshops facilitate deep learning that has a long-lasting positive impact on the participants' professional and personal lives.
Making sure your people and your business do not just survive but THRIVE.
Coaching for Individual Team Members / Leaders
Stress, anxiety, anger and similar emotions dramatically reduce the effectiveness of individuals and can hold back their personal and your company's potential and success. Peak performance Wingwave Coaching reduces these productivity-inhibiting emotions by pinpointing and removing specific psychological/emotional stressors that may block or disturb a person and restores their mental and emotional balance by anchoring positive resources in the unconscious mind. Wingwave® Coaching helps to address and prevent burnout and makes peak performance, high productivity and success not only achievable but sustainable.
A recent analysis by Deloitte in conjunction with mental health charity Mind (Feb. 2020) has calculated the annual cost to business of poor mental health. The findings are staggering:
£42bn to £45bn – annual cost of poor mental health for UK employers each year
£6bn or 16% – increase in cost of poor mental health since 2017
£7bn – cost of absences due to mental health issues
£27bn to £29bn – cost of presenteeism
£9bn – cost of staff turnover due to mental health issues
9% – those who disclosed a mental health problem who were dismissed, demoted or disciplined
one in six workers will experience a mental health problem at any one time
stress is now thought to be responsible for almost half of working days lost in Britain due to health issues.
the report makes a positive case for employers investing in mental health, with an average return of £5 for every £1 spent.
Behind these statistics are the untold stories of the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people - families, partners, children. This exhaustion and depletion of human resources reflect the depletion of our resources in the natural world - of the very foundation of our existence.
Our world of work is not working - neither for businesses nor the people behind them nor for our natural world. It's a situation in which nobody wins.
We need a fundamental paradigm shift away from the depletion of people and the natural world towards a deep care for and protection & nourishment of our inner and our natural resources.
For a rebalanced world in which our internal and external -natural- resources are nourished, protected & restored.

We are passionate about inspiring and enabling people to not only tap into the 4th Revolution's but also their own full HUMAN POTENTIAL.
It is our mission to support people and companies in building a positive (work) environment which invites and fosters the highly autonomous, critical, creative and visionary thinking which is today not only essential for business success but also for the development of solutions to today's urgent and existential environmental problems. For a wholesome world and an economy that has the autonomy, creativity and wellbeing of individuals and the restoration of nature at its heart - because "we [simply] cannot solve today's problems with the same mindset that created them."
Wellbeing and Success depend on Mastering Change.
IBM’s 'Making Change Work' study shows that change-resistance is one of the top inhibitors of project/business & personal success. People with highly developed change
capabilities succeed 80% of the time, compared to change novices who only succeed 18% of the time.
Learning new competencies itself increases wellbeing and success. Employees who spend time at work learning are 47% less likely to be stressed, 39% more likely to feel productive and successful, 23% more ready to take on additional responsibilities, and 21% more likely to feel confident and happy (Josh Bersin, Linkedin, November 2018).
