More & more people are simply done & often literally sick with enduring, condoning, and enabling the status quo -
toxic job roles & work environments, selling vacuous products that no one needs, exploiting people and planet, and working crazy hours to the point of burnout and depression...etc etc.
We cannot create something new unless we step out of the old and into that space between NO and a new YES.
It takes extraordinary courage to go there.
More and more people are finding this courage as a result of and THROUGH their suffering.
More & more people are realising that it would kill them to stay, that they would die on the inside if they were to stay in that job that -yes- paid the bills & that gave them status & standing.
But notice this: your suffering and INability to endure is an expression of your intrinsic health in a system that is sick.
When you have the courage to say NO to the Status Quo, and you do not yet have anything solid new to say YES to, you are leaving behind the apparent SAFETY of the Status Quo.
BUT!!! The real and much MUCH deeper truth is that, ON THE WHOLE it is the STATUS QUO that is literally slowly killing you/us.
And YOU know it. YOU dare to not turn a blind eye.
The real truth is that the PEOPLE HAVE THE COURAGE TO SAY NO TO THE OLD PARADIGM without having a new safety to say YES to ARE CANARIES IN THE COAL MINE.
It takes such courage to strip yourself of your status, safety, income and so on and to now stand NAKED. It's -back to the drawing board: What am I good at? What can I offer to the world that ACTUALLY makes sense and offers meaning?
It takes a moment to regroup.
The world that you are saying NO to might judge you harshly. It is challenging for most people to witness someone freeing themselves. People can feel challenged by your NO. They really need you to get you back into the box quickly. Some may make you feel like you are the loser because 'You need to get your life together!' meaning 'Get back on the wheel and RUN & DON'T STOP/ DON'T ask difficult questions!'
It takes SUCH courage to get off.
Right now all of humanity/our global collective, are challenged to step into this new space where there is not yet the safety of a new system & paradigm.
This is one of the reasons why so many people are frozen & not making a move. What is the new paradigm we are stepping into?
We do not yet know.
We are creating the new ground under our feet with each step. But we HAVE to take these steps and we have to do it NOW. TODAY.
If a NO is forming inside of you without having a new clear and safe thing to YES to, I so applaud you.
In my view, you are the bravest of humankind.
And even though you may at times feel lost, the real truth is that really:
If this is you -
Much love,
