so I was quite nervous before entering this mountain and somehow assumed that I would panic once I am deep inside. But driven by my curiosity I crawled through one of the holes and started to explore.
And a few minutes later I found myself at the very back of this elaborate system of caves/rooms -carved into the rock and spanning several stories that extend three-rooms deep into the heart of the mountain (the little holes you can see are windows)- and realised that I was completely absorbed by curiosity and fascination and felt COMPLETELY relaxed. The fear and panic that I had anticipated had been mere figments of my imagination.
When I walked the Camino earlier this year, again my mind told me that it is really unlikely that I can walk even just 300km. Only to discover that in the end, I walked the entire 800km without so much as a single blister.
We can only discover what we are capable of through action and DOING. Our limitations tend to be in our imagination.
What dream and goal in your life seem impossible just now?
If you long to go further, get in touch. I love nothing more than the adventure of getting you and your ideas to where you and they really want to be.
